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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Environmental Impact Assessment 2nd ed isbn 9781847666758

Environmental Impact Assessment - Law and Practice

ISBN13: 9781845925260
ISBN: 1845925262
New Edition ISBN: 9781847666758
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406959544
Published: September 2003
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Reprint of ISbn: 9780406959546

This is the only up-to-date work of its size to cover the important stage in the planning process in detail. The new title sets out the legal requirements relating to EIAs including the relationship of European Community law with domestic law and the resulting cases. The main part of the work concentrates on the role that EIAs play in the planning application process. It assesses how far reaching the regulations are, discusses when EIAs need to be conducted, covers the scoping of the environmental statement in the legal context and explains the consultation process.

There is also a section on EIAs in specific contexts such as forestry, archaeology, agriculture and highways. The work concludes with a section on good practice that offering guidance on scoping the statement, how to write the non-technical summary and certain aspects such as social impact, air quality, noise and health risk assessments. This new work will be invaluable for lawyers, local authority planning officers, planning consultants, property developers and all other professionals who need to know about the planning process.

Environmental Law
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 EC Law
Chapter 3 Screening
Chapter 4 Environmental statements
Chapter 5 Procedures
Chapter 6 Special cases
Chapter 7 EIA in a non-planning context
Chapter 8 Challenges
Chapter 9 Good practice