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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
A Practitioner's Guide to Probate 8th ed isbn 9781845922269

A Practitioner's Guide to Probate 7th ed

ISBN13: 9781845925192
ISBN: 184592519X
New Edition ISBN: 1845922263
Published: May 2003
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

November 2010: Out of Print

The seventh edition of this integral part of 'A Practitioner's Guide to...' series is a self contained guide to this complex area of the law and no other handbook on the market includes such practical, informative and wide-ranging information.

Written by two highly regarded authors, the text includes a detailed checklist of procedures. The chapter on inheritance tax and the Inland Revenue Account has been fully updated to include tax changes for 2003 and even more forms and precedents are included in this new edition.

Original isbn - 0754518930

Wills and Probate
1. Jurisdiction
2. Wills
3. Proof of death and presumption of death
4. Necessity for grant
5. Pre-grant applications for discretionary orders
6. Renunciations
7. Grants of probate
8. Grants of letters of administration (with will annexed)
9. Letters of administration
10. Limited grants
11. Trust corporations, institutions and approved bodies
12. Inheritance Tax and the Inland Revenue Account
13. Procedure for obtaining a grant
14. Foreign domicile
15. Resealing grants
16. Caveats and citations
17. Applications on notice
removal of personal representatives
inventory and account
18. Amendment, revocation, impounding and notation of grants
19. Engrossments, copies and searches
20. Deposit of wills of living persons.
Fees payable in probate matters
District probate registries and sub-registries
Checklist of steps before lodging an application for grant.