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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Pease & Chitty's Law of Markets and Fairs 6th ed isbn 9781847667427

Pease & Chitty's Law of Markets and Fairs 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781845924935
ISBN: 1845924932
New Edition ISBN: 9781847667427
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406900086
Published: May 1998
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Reprint of the Butterworths 5th edition - isbn 9780406900081

Established since 1899 as the standard legal work of reference and vital to lawyers, legal officers in local government, market officers and private market operators, Pease and Chitty's Law of Market and Fairs includes coverage of the Government consultation paper on the market franchise rights, appendices on model by-laws, model regulations and precedents and full coverage of UK and European case law and developing legislation.

Local Government Law
1. Introduction
2. Creation and Acquisition of Markets and Fairs
3. The Market Place and the Place for Holding Fairs
4. The Days and Hours for Holding Markets and Fairs
5. Toll and Stallage
6. Disturbance
7. Sales in Markets and Fairs
8. Forfeiture and Extinction of Markets and Fairs
9. Regulation, Administration and Control
10. Accounts, Rates and Taxes
11. Practice, Procedure and Evidence
A: Model Byelaws
B: Model Regulations
C: Precedents