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Making People Behave: Anti-Social Behaviour, Politics and Policy

ISBN13: 9781843921370
ISBN: 1843921375
Published: September 2005
Publisher: Willan Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book seeks to explain why anti-social behaviour, as a focus of political rhetoric, legislative activity and social action, has gained a high profile in Britain in recent years, and it provides a critical examination of current policies of enforcement and exclusion. It also analyses the thematic elements in the drive against anti-social behaviour, within the wider law and order agenda. Public concern about anti-social behaviour is real enough, and it remains high on the political agenda. How far this is due to a genuine worsening of public behaviour (and why this should be so), and how far to other factors, is a critical issue.

This book will describe the wide range of offensiveness and incivility involved, showing different intensity and causation. It will examine the methods adopted to deal with anti-social behaviour and particularly the increasingly managed response orchestrated by the government, and evident in new and recent legislation. These concerns are not confined to Britain, and this book also seeks to situate the growing concern with anti-social behaviour with developments in both North America and Europe. This book will be essential reading for anybody seeking to understand one of the key issues in contemporary politics and government policy.