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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Youth Justice: Ideas, Policy, Practice 3rd ed isbn 9780415626514

Youth Justice

Roger SmithUniversity of Leicester

ISBN13: 9781843920212
ISBN: 1843920212
New Edition ISBN: 9780415626514
Published: January 2003
Publisher: Willan Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Youth crime remains an enduring and growing problem, and has been the subject of a raft of recent government policy initiatives. This book provides a comprehensive, up to date and critical overview of the youth justice system, taking full account of the many changes that have been introduced - in particular the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and its subsequent implementation. A major aim of the book will be to help youth justice practitioners and others studying youth crime and youth justice to make sense of these changes, to assess their implications for practice and to understand some of the tensions and complexities that have arisen.;The book begins by setting the youth justice system in historical context, and then assesses the impact of political ideas and influence on both the structural arrangement for delivering youth justice (such as the Youth Justice Board and Youth Offending Teams) and practice initiatives (such as moves to implement forms of restorative justice). Taken together, these present serious challenges to those delivering youth justice. The book goes on to offer a critique of current developments, explores the options open to practitioners and service providers, and some of the possibilities for positive intervention. Finally, a detailed agenda for improvement at all levels is set out.

1. The pendulum effect: a recent history of youth justice 2 New ideas in youth justice 3 The New Labour Project - 'Preventing Youth Crime' 4 Frameworks for delivering the New Youth Justice 5 Making a difference? The challenge of delivering good practice 6 Right track, wrong track? The consequences of change 7 Towards good practice - making the best of a difficult job Conclusions: looking ahead - towards fairness, integrity and justice.