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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Media Law & Human Rights 2nd ed isbn 9780199217502

Media Law and Human Rights

ISBN13: 9781841741345
ISBN: 1841741345
New Edition ISBN: 9780199217502
Published: March 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Blackstones Human Rights series provides an in-detail and in-depth analysis on the Human Rights Act 1998 on a subject-by-subject basis. The series has been edited by John Wadham, solicitor, Director of Liberty and a member of the Governments Human Rights Task Force. Media Law and Human Rights provides a comprehensive guide to the Strasbourg case law as it affects the media and examines how the UK courts have grappled with the concepts developed by the European Court. It considers the potential for further influence and looks at the special provisions in the Human Rights Act for the media.;A detailed review of the ECHR case law on defamation and its possible impact on the development of domestic libel law is included. Recent case law on public interest reporting, including Bergens Tidende v Norway in the European Court and the House of Lords' decision in Turkington v Times Newspapers Ltd is also covered. The consequences of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendum Act 2000 for media coverage of election campaigns are considered and the Article 6 fair hearing principles most relevant to media regulators are summarized.

Media and Entertainment Law
Introduction to the freedom of expression and media law; articles 8 and 10 ECHR and media law - general principles; the Human Rights Act 1998; defamation; confidence and privacy and data protection; racial hatred; obscenity and blasphemy; reporting the courts and contempt of court; reporting on elections and Parliament; broadcasting licensing and regulation; regulation of the press; commercial speech advertising; offical secrets and national security. Appendices: text of the Human Rights Act 1998; Convention for the Protection of Human Ruights and Fundamental Freedoms as amended by Protocol number 11. (Part contents).