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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Business Tenancies isbn 9781859418970

Business Tenancies

Russell HewitsonSenior Lecturer in Property Law, University of Northumbria, Newcastle Upon Tyne

ISBN13: 9781841741314
ISBN: 1841741310
New Edition ISBN: 185941897X
Published: January 2001
Publisher: Blackstone Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
As business tenancies are traditionally short in length, a considerable amount of commercial property work is concerned with their renewal under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. This text aims to provide the practitioner with a detailed and practical guide to all aspects of the law and procedure involved in the renewal of business tenancies under the 1954 Act and the often complex issues which can arise.

It offers practical answers to problems which commercial property professionals may encounter when dealing with renewals.

Commercial Property
What is a business lease?
particular exceptions where the 1954 Act does not apply; continuation of tenancies; termination by the landlord; termination and renewal by a tenant; service of notices and obtaining information; the application to the court for a new tenancy; the grounds of opposition; the terms of the new tenancy; compensation for disturbance; compensation for improvements; crown tenancies. Appendices: the principle statutes and statutory instruments; The 1954 Act statutory forms and notices; the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998; examples of relelvant court forms which have been designed for use under the Civil Procedure Rules 1998; model orders under PACT. (part contents)