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Police Conduct, Complaints and Efficiency

ISBN13: 9781841741239
ISBN: 184174123X
Published: December 2002
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The law and procedure regulating the conduct of the police has become increasingly relevant to practitioners over the last 15 years. Now, with comprehensive changes to the ways in which all matters of police performance and conduct are reported, investigated and addressed, the importance of this area of law has expanded considerably. Concern over the porper investigation of complaints against police, the application of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the introduction of the Police Efficiency and Discipline Regulations have made this important area more complex and controversial than ever.;Taking a practical approach, this text leads the reader through each stage of the relevant internal and external processes by which alleged poor performance or misconduct by the police can be addressed. Aimed at lawyers, personnel managers, senior and chief police officers, along with staff associations and ""friends"", the book sets out the respective functions of all the many participants within the investigative and disciplinary framework, providing a comprehensive authority on the subject.

Police and Public Order Law
Human rights; the status of police officers; police efficiency; police misconduct; complaints against the police; reviews; appeals; senior officers; special groups; role of the higher courts; miscellaneous offences and regulations.