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Law after Modernity

ISBN13: 9781841135625
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781841130293

How can we characterise law and legal theory in the 21st century? This book argues that we live in an age 'after Modernity' and that legal theory must take account of this fact. This work attacks, as outdated, theories of law which rest on widespread notions of law's autonomy and systematic nature and on certain notions of justice, personhood and legitimacy and seeks to replace them with a dynamic new account of law and laws appropriate for an era of Globalization and postnational communities. The approach is fresh, contextual and interdisciplinary, and, unusually for a legal theory work, illustrated throughout with works of art and visual representations, which serve to enforce the messages of the book.
