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Healing the Wounds: Essays on the Reconstruction of Societies after War

ISBN13: 9781841134697
ISBN: 1841134694
Published: October 2004
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £38.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781841134680

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

In recent decades the world has experienced the rise of so-called 'low intensity conflicts'. Unlike conventional wars these very bloody armed conflicts are no longer the affair of state governments and their armies. In their place appear police-like armed units, security services and secret services, groups and organizations of religious, political and social fanatics ready to resort to violence, 'militias', bands of mercenaries, or just gangs of thugs, led by the condottiere of the 21st century, consisting of militant charismatics, militia 'generals', 'drug barons', and 'warlords' of various kinds. They conduct wars in which the soldiers no longer wear uniforms and there is no meeting of armies in open battle. The armed organizations fight in urban agglomerations and in difficult, inaccessible regions. The combatants fight for religion and quasi-religious ideologies, for the 'rights of the people' or 'national liberation', for power, gain, and booty, and above all for recognition.;For the practice of peace, this kind of war has far-reaching consequences. In this book the authors examine various paths to peace and reconciliation in low intensity conflicts. They look at processes of peace making from South Africa and the North of Mali to Indonesia and South East Asia. Common to most studies is that they stress the particular local contexts of peace making tied to the highly localized nature of most low intensity conflicts. The logic of peace has become a logic of local and regional power. The articles shed new light not only on ways and chances of interventions by the international community but also on the role of nongovernmental organisations in violent conflicts.

Law and Society
1. In Search of Peace. History, Basic Narrative, the Future of War, and the Rise of the Local. An Introduction with a Short Overview of the Contributions
Trutz von Trotha
Part I On the Theory of the Reconstruction of Peace after War and Violent Conflict
2. Comments on the Construction of Political Order: Social Contract Theories and Anthropological Observation
Gordon R Woodman
3. Concepts of Violence and Peace in African Languages
Wilhelm, JG Möhlig and Rüdiger Köppe
4. The ‘Peacemakers’ Dilemma’: The Role of NGOs in Processes of Peace-Building in Decentralised Conflicts
Dieter Neubert
Part II Power, Structures, Processes, and History in the Reconstruction of Peace
The Reconstruction of Peace I: African Experiences
5. Peace and Aid: The ‘Programme Mali-Nord’ and the Search for Peace in Northern Mali
Henner Papendieck and Barbara Rocksloh-Papendieck
6. Roads to Peace: From Small War to Parasovereign Peace in the North of Mali
Georg Klute and Trutz von Trotha
7. Legislation and Decentralisation in Uganda: From Resistance Councils to Elected Local Councils with Guaranteed Representation
Dirk Beke
8. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: ‘The Truth will Set You Free’
Willemien du Plessis
The Reconstruction of Peace II: Asian Experiences
9. Democracy and Ethnic Conflicts: The Politics of Ethnicity and Conflict Resolution in South Asia
Jakob Rösel
10. Law, Violence and Peace Making on the Island of Ambon
Keebet von Benda-Beckmann
11. The Search for New Sources of Legitimacy in Indonesia after Suharto
John R Bowen
12. At the Heart of Legal Anthropology: Analyses of peace processes
Marie-Claire Foblets and Barbara Truffin