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Laws of Guernsey

ISBN13: 9781841133966
ISBN: 1841133965
Published: May 2003
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £325.00

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A considerable volume of international financial business is carried on in Guernsey, a near independent jurisdiction with close constitutional links to Britain about to celebrate the 800th anniversary of its status.

Guernsey law is distinct from English law, drawing on its own history and traditions as well as modern English legal principles and those of other jurisdictions. Laws of Guernsey is the first textbook of modern times to introduce the core areas of Guernsey law and court procedure.

It is essential reading for the many individuals and entities with business either in Guernsey or governed by Guernsey law. It will be of particular interest and assistance to lawyers from other jurisdictions concerned with Guernsey law issues, whether litigation, succession, insurance, employment or anything else; likewise the book will assist insurers, bankers, trustees and financial services professionals generally. The book includes a foreword written by the Bailiff of Guernsey, the Island's senior judge.

The following principal areas are introduced: Company and commercial law; trust law; income tax law; law of succession; property law; employment law; health and safety at work law; tort law; contract law; civil procedure and injunctions; criminal law and procedure; anti-money laundering legislation. The book includes various legislative materials and many cross-references to English law in particular, likewise to French law.

Other Jurisdictions , Channel Islands
Foreword by the Bailiff of Guernsey
Table of Cases
Table of Laws, Statutes and other legislative materials
Table of Orders of the Royal Court, Rules, Practice Directions etc.
Table of Bailiffs from the time of the Restoration
1) Sources of Guernsey Law and the Force of Precedent
2) The Constitution of the Bailiwick of Guernsey
3) The Review of Administrative Decisions
4) The Housing Control and Right to Work Legislation
5) Control of Development
6) Family Law
7) Guardianship (Tutelle and Curatelle)
8) Law of Trusts: The Trusts (Guernsey) Law 1989
9) Succession Laws of the Bailiwick
10) Income Tax
11) Insolvency
12) Security Interests
13) Control of Borrowing
14) Financial Services Regulation in the Bailiwick
15) Guernsey Company Law
16) Employment Law
17) Health and Safety at Work Law
18) Civil Courts and Procedure
19) Injunctions, Arrêts and the Clameur de Haro
20) Conflict of Laws
21) Criminal Courts and Procedure
22) Evidence in Civil and Criminal Proceedings in Guernsey
23) Guernsey Law of Realty and Leases
24) Guernsey Law of Tort and Contract
25) Epilogue