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The New Law of Land Registration

ISBN13: 9781841133508
ISBN: 1841133507
Published: September 2003
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £59.99

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This work is an examination of the law of land registration in England and Wales, in the light of the Land Registration Act 2002, and in particular of the way land registration is influenced by, and in turn influences, the evolution of land law as a whole. It is argued, for instance, that land registration is changing the nature of ownership. The book examines the legal problems that have arisen in connection with land registration and considers the effect of the 2002 statute. It draws extensively upon the law in other jurisdictions and considers possibilities for future development.

Conveyancing, Property Law
1. Modern Land Registration
2. The Road to Title Registration in England and Wales
3. The Registrable Estates
4. The Effect of Registration I: Vesting,Powers and Dispositions
5. The Effect of Registration II: Burdens on the Registered Estate
6. Indefeasibility – the English Version
7. Adverse Possession
8. After 2002: The Road Ahead
9. After 2002: The Road to Europe?