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Money Laundering Law: Forfeiture, Confiscation, Civil Recovery, Criminal Laundering and Taxation of the Proceeds of Crime

ISBN13: 9781841132648
ISBN: 1841132640
New Edition ISBN: 1841139130
Published: January 2003
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £95.00

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Since 1980, action in respect of the profits of crime has moved rapidly up the criminal justice agenda. Not only may confiscation orders be made, but there are also now serious substantive criminal offences of laundering the proceeds of crime. Moreover, the consequences of the regulatory regimes put in place by the Money Laundering Regulations 1993 and the Financial Services Authority are very significant.

This book examines critically the history, theory and practice of all these developments, culminating in the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, which marks another step in the move towards greater concentration both on the financial aspects of crime and on the internationalization of criminal law. The act puts in place the Assets Recovery Agency, which will be central to the strategy of targeting criminal monies and will have power to bring forfeiture proceedings without a prior criminal conviction and to raise assessments to taxation.

The author subjects the law of laundering, especially the novel aspects of the Proceeds of Crime Act itself, to thorough analysis and a human rights' audit.

Criminal Law, Money Laundering
1. Introduction
2. The Economics of Money Laundering
3. Theory: Justifications for Forfeiture,Confiscation and Criminalisation
4. History of Forfeiture and Confiscation Provisions
5. The International Dimension
6. Forfeiture Provisions
7. Statutory Confiscation Provisions
8. Investigatory Powers
9. Beyond Confiscation-Criminalisation
10. Acquisition and Deployment of Money for Terrorism
11. Confiscation Without Conviction-'Civil Recovery'
12. Money Laundering and the Professions Conclusion