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Reorganization and Resistance: Legal Professions Confront a Changing World

Edited by: William L.F. Felstiner

ISBN13: 9781841132464
ISBN: 1841132462
Published: December 2005
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £80.00

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Reorganization and Resistance analyses the ways in which the legal professions of nine countries (England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the US, Mexico, Australia and Korea) and one continent (South America) have confronted the internal and external political, economic and social upheavals of the past twenty years.

It documents how change and resistance are inextricably tied together in an oppositional tension where the greater weight shifts gradually from one to the other, even shifts backwards at times, but in the long view runs in the direction of change. The most obvious instance almost everywhere is the struggle of women in legal professions where improvement is undeniable even as resistance is varied and stiff.

The book charts the way demographic shifts have changed the work of lawyers, the way that the revenue from law practice has been re-distributed, and the extent to which barriers based on race, class, religion and gender have shrunk or shifted. It describes how some professions have been forced by government or co-regulation with government to reorganize.

It also documents how others have not kept pace with transformations in the economy and changes and challenges to legal education take center stage while demographic shifts and institutional reorganization are of much less importance.

1. Reorganization and Resistance. William L. F. Felstiner
2. England. The Professional as Political: English Lawyers from the 1989 Green Papers through the Access to Justice Act 1999. Richard L. Abel
3. France. Fighting for Monopoly: Unification,Differentiation and Representation of the French Bar. Anne Boigeol and Laurent Willemez
4. The Netherlands. Judges and Lawyers in the NetherlandsAn Overview from 1970 till 2000. Fred J. Bruinsma
5. Germany. Regulated Deregulation The Case of the German Legal Profession. Ulrike Schultz
6. Australia. The Australian Legal Profession: Towards a National Identity.
Margaret Thornton
7. Korea. A Legal Profession in Transformation: the Korean Experience.
Dai-kwon Choi
Latin America
8. Latin America. Lawyers in Late 20th Century Latin America. Rogelio Prez-Perdomo
9. Mexico. Legal Professionals Aplenty, But No Legal Profession? Law and Lawyers in Contemporary Mexico. Hctor Fix-Fierro and Sergio Lpez Aylln
North America
10. Canada. Social Mobility and Hierarchical Structure in Canadian Law Practice.
Fiona M. Kay and John Hagan
11. United States. From Professional Dominance to Organizational Dominance: Professionalism, Inequality, and Social Change among Chicago Lawyers, 1975-1995. Robert L. Nelson and Rebecca l. Sandefur with John P. Heinz and Edward O. Laumman