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Lord Atkin

ISBN13: 9781841130576
ISBN: 1841130575
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406272107
Published: September 1999
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £120.00

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1999 Reprint of the 1983 Butterworths edition with new Preface

One of the greatest of all English common lawyers, it was Lord Atkin who asked the question in the case of Donoghue versus Stevenson, Who then in law is my neighbour?, which became the foundation of the whole modern law of negligence.

His courageous dissent in the wartime detention case of ""Liversidge versus Anderson"" is now recognized as a historic stand on principle. This book contains accounts of the background to these two cases, as well as an assessment of their significance in the legal history of the 20th century.

This legal biography studies the principal themes of Lord Atkin's decisions and illuminates some less-known aspects of his work including the critical series of Canadian constitutional appeals in 1936.

In showing the strong influence on his thinking of Lord Atkin's home life and upbringing in the Welsh countryside, this study confirms Lord Wright's conclusion that it was a liberal spirit which animated Atkin's work.

James Richard Atkin
liberal philosophy
Donoghue v Stevenson
commecial law
Privy Council
statutory interpretation
Liversidge v Anderson
crime and insanity, legal education
Lord Atkin's legacy. Appendices: autobiographical fragment
Lord Atkin on his grandmother
letters from the Lord Chancellor, Lord Hailsham, and his Permanent Secretary, Sir Claud Schuster
letter from Lord Atkin to Sir Herbert Evatt
correspondence between Lord Atkin and Professor Gutteridge
correspondence between Lord Atkin and the Archbishop of Wales.