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Internet and Electronic Commerce Law in the EU

John DickieUniversity of Warwick

ISBN13: 9781841130316
ISBN: 1841130311
Published: August 1999
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00

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This work outlines and analyses the legislative activity of the European Union in an area which is experiencing exponential growth in terms of both commercial activity and legal significance. The book covers pending and proposed Internet-related law on contracts, copyright, data protection, commercial communications, financial services, electronic cash and electronic signatures.;John Dickie argues that the Union is in the process of displacing member state autonomy in the regulation of the Internet. Within that frame, it is argued that there is a lack of focus on the individual in the electronic marketplace and a lack of co-ordination between relevant legislative instruments.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Part 1 Introduction: the nature and growth of electronic communication; legal issues in electronic communication; community regulation of electronic commerce; community activity in a global context.
Part 2 Financial services and taxation: draft directive on the distance marketing of financial services; draft directives on electronic money institutions; electronic payment systems; paying across borders within the community; connected lender liability; tax law - goods or services?, import and export.
Part 3 Draft directive on electronic commerce: establishment and information requirements; commercial communications; electronic contracts; liability of intermediaries; implementation and enforcement; derogations; the advisory committee.
Part 4 Cryptography and the draft directive on electronic signatures: functioning of electronic signatures; draft directive on electronic signatures.
Part 5 Copyright: introduction; draft directive on copyright in the information society - right of communication to the public, distribution right, exceptions to the restricted acts in articles 2 and 3, technological measures and rights-management information; sanctions and remedies; application over time; amendments to prior directives; condition access services: in general, directive on conditional access services.
Part 6 Data protection: introduction; directive on data protection; transfers of data to third countries.
Part 7 Commercial communications: commission initiatives; treaty rules on free movement of goods and services; the directive on misleading advertising.
Part 8 Consumer protection and conflicts of law: directive on unfair terms in consumer contracts; directive on consumer guarantees; directive on cross-border injunctions; conflicts of law - jurisdiction over contracts; choice of law in contracts; express choice of law; no choice of law clause; jurisdiction over non-contractual disputes.
Part 9 The directive on distance contracts: introduction; definitions - ""consumer"", ""distance contract""; exclusions; mandatory nature; prior information; written confirmation of information; right of withdrawal; restrictions on the use of distance communication; enforcement; transposition.
Part 10 Conclusions - foci and futures: future directions; a traditional legal framework for electronic commerce or a ""brave new world""?; concluding summary. Appendices: Directive 97/7 on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts; proposal for a European parliament and council directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market.