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Legal Issues of the Amsterdam Treaty

Edited by: David O'Keeffe, Patrick M. Twomey, Lord Slynn of Hadley

ISBN13: 9781841130026
ISBN: 1841130028
Published: December 1999
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £160.00

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Originating in the June 1998 joint conference of the United Kingdom Association for European Law (UKAEL) and the University Association for Contemporary Studies (UACES), this book brings together a collection of essays that offer critical insights into the institutional and substantive changes to the European Community and Union resulting from the Treaty of Amsterdam.

EU Law
Constitutional issues: prologue - Amsterdam and the quest for constitutional democracy, Joseph Weiler; ""If I'd wanted you to understand I would have explained it better"" - what is the purpose of the provisions on closer co-operation introduced by the Treaty of Amsterdam?, Stephen Weatherill; Amsterdam and the continuing search for community, Ian Ward; reflections on the architecture of the European Union after the Treaty of Amsterdam, Laurence W. Gormley; the fundamental principle of open decision-making and EU (political) citizenship, Deirdre M. Curtin; the IGC process and results, Franklin Dehousse. The institutions: taming the beast? - the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Court of Justice, Anthony Arnull; the European Parliament and treaty reform - building blocks and stumbling blocks, Kieran St C. Bradley. Internal market issues: the new parameters of European labour law, Erika Szyszczak; the employment title in the Amsterdam Treaty - a multi-language legal discourse, Silvana Sciarra; the Amsterdam Treaty - an environmental perspective, Richard Macrory; competition policy and public services in EC law after the Maastricht and Amsterdam treaties, Leo Flynn. External relations: external relations provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty, Alan Dashwood; external economic relations and the Amsterdam Treaty, Marise Cremona; the European Union after Amsterdam - an organization with general human rights competence?, Dominic McGoldrick. The area of freedom, security and justice: can the leopard change its spots? - visas, immigration and asylum following Amsterdam, David O'Keefe; the area of freedom, security and justice with regard to the UK, Ireland and Denmark - the ""opt-in opt-outs"" under the Treaty of Amsterdam, Martin Hedemann-Robinson; an area of freedom, security and justice - bogged down by compromise, Monica den Boer; the role of national parliaments in the creation of the area of freedom, security and justice - an Italian point of view, Fabio Evangelisti; putting Europe's house in order - racism, race discrimination and xenophobia after the Treaty of Amsterdam, Tamara K. Hervey; constructing a secure space - the area of freedom, security and justice, Patrick Twomey. Non-discrimination and nationality: Article 6a through the looking glass of union citizenship, Catherine Barnard; nationality and the European Union after Amsterdam, Hans Ulrich Jessurun d'Oliveira.