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Integrating a Victim Perspective Within Criminal Justice

ISBN13: 9781840144864
ISBN: 1840144866
Published: January 2000
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781138273146

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

As numerous academic and political commentators have noted, the implications of introducing a victim's perspective into the delicate balance between state and offender is likely to be a key issue in the future of criminal justice. This volume seeks to outline the contours of the relevant debates, drawing together contributions from prominent international and national commentators, from areas including criminology, law, philosophy, social policy, politics and sociology.

Introduction - overview of key themes, Jo Goodey.
Part 1 The status of victims: the victim as a consumer of the criminal justice system?, Renee Zauberman; individualization of the victim - from positivism to postmodernism, Leslie Sebba; taking the law into their own hands - victims as offenders, David Miers; implications of the international crime victims survey for a victim perspective, Jan van Dijk.
Part 2 Victims within criminal justice: the new status of victims in the UK - opportunities and threats, Helen Reeves and Kate Mulley; victims in criminal justice - creating responsible criminal justice agencies, Joanna Shapland; integrating a victim perspective in criminal justice through victim impact statements, Edna Erez; victims' rights, defendants' rights and criminal procedure, Andrew Ashworth.
Part 3 Victims and restorative justice: the practice of family group conferences in New Zealand - assessing the place, potential and pitfalls of restorative justice, Allison Morris and Gabrielle Maxwell; integrating a multi-victim perspective into criminal justice through restorative justice conferences, Richard Young; extending the victim perspective towards a systemic restorative justice alternative, Lode Walgrave; salient themes towards a victim perspective and the limitations of restorative justice - some concluding comments, Adam Crawford.