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Research Handbook on International Claims Commission

Edited by: Chiara Giorgetti, Patrick W. Pearsall, Helene Ruiz-Fabri

ISBN13: 9781839103780
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £201.00

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International claims commissions (ICCs) are unique dispute resolution mechanisms designed to be highly flexible and responsive to international crises. This timely Research Handbook explores the history of ICCs, how and why states create them, and the role of states and secretariatsWritten by accomplished experts and past claims commission members to present a unique perspective on ICCs, the Research Handbook analyses past claims commissions including the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, the UN Compensation Commission, the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission and the Commission for Real Property Claims in Bosnia.

Providing a comprehensive review of institutional design issues, the Handbook examines the challenges associated with mass claims processes, diplomatic protection, domestic liability, and enforcement and how to address them. Looking ahead to the future, the contributing authors propose innovative ways in which claims commissions could be used to address contemporary challenges such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the construction of the wall in Occupied Palestinian Territory, climate changes and environmental law disputes.

This thought-provoking Research Handbook will be a fundamental research resource for scholars and students of public international law and international dispute resolution. It will also provide practical advice for international arbitration experts, policy makers, and officials in international organisations.

Public International Law
1. International claims commissions: learning from the past, looking at the future
Chiara Giorgetti, Patrick W. Pearsall and Hélène Ruiz-Fabri 1

2. Historical overview of international claims commissions 17
Makane Moïse Mbengue
3. The US–Mexico Mixed Claims Commissions 55
Frédéric Mégret and Nicole Maylor
4. The Iran–US Claims Tribunal 75
Bruno Simma and Jan Ortgies
5. The United Nations Compensation Commission 90
Norbert Wühler
6. The first mass settlement of real property claims: the CRPC for Bosnia 113
Hans van Houtte
7. The Eritrea–Ethiopia Claims Commission 127
Namira Negm

8. Institutional design: how states create claims commissions and why 150
Timothy J. Feighery and Jason Rotstein
9. The multiple roles of States in international claims commissions 176
Jeremy K. Sharpe
10. The role of secretariats 200
Dirk Pulkowski and Scott Falls
11. Mass claims processes: institutional design issues 222
John R. Crook
12. Sovereign authority to establish international claims commissions: issues related to international legal personality, diplomatic protection, and domestic liability 239
Lee M. Caplan and Yateesh Begoorevii
13. Procedural issues: remedies and enforcement—ensuring the effective
enforcement of mass claims 257
Aloysius P. Llamzon and Diana A. A. Reisman

14. The United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 277
Ronald J. Bettauer
15. Creating an international compensation mechanism for Ukraine 292
Chiara Giorgetti and Patrick W. Pearsall
16. Claims commissions and the resolution of international environmental law disputes 309
Natalie Klein
17. Claims commissions and investment obligations 330
Angeline Welsh

Index 340