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The Changing Role of Property Law: Rights, Values and Concepts

Edited by: Ernst Nordtveit

ISBN13: 9781839100642
Published: January 2023
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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This timely book analyses the most significant contemporary developments and trends in property law, including the concept of property rights, the role of property law and property rights in society, and the values they enhance. It examines the effect of property rights on social, economic and cultural development and vice versa, considering the impact of phenomena such as technological innovation, digitalisation and blockchain technology, changes in social and economic organisation, and globalisation.

Featuring contributions from top international scholars in the field, chapters explain the variety of property rights found in most legal systems and how these develop in relation to social needs and available resources. The book discusses the current transition of property from mainly physical objects to intangible values in the form of, for example, intellectual property rights, and the impacts this is having on the law, democracy and free speech. Other prominent issues tackled by the book include the organisation of registries for property rights, models for managing public property, and the influence of new property forms on family and inheritance law.

An essential read for scholars and students of property law, including intellectual property, the book will also be of interest to those working in family law, law and technology and commercial law whose research intersects with property rights.

Intellectual Property Law, Property Law, Commercial Property
The changing role of property rights: an introduction
Ernst Nordtveit
1. The plasticity of property: legal transitions between property rights regimes for different resources
Richard A. Epstein
2. The persistence of colonial property rights to land, economic implications and institutional efficiency
Eric C. Edwards, Martin Fiszbein and Gary D. Libecap
3. The role of innovation in the globalization of property law
Amnon Lehavi
4. Mediated property: money, corporate shares, and property analogues
Erich Schanze
5. Because property became contract: understanding the American nonprobate revolution
John H. Langbein
6. Digital ownership of blockchain tokens: a comparative law guideline
Sebastian Omlor
7. Intellectual property and the concept of property rights
Ole-Andreas Rognstad
8. Intellectual property rights and democracy
Eva Inés Obergfell and Katharina Theresia Fink
9. Property in families and the inheritance context
Anatol Dutta
10. The organization of public registries: a comparative analysis
Benito Arruñada
11. (De-)constructing mortgages: reflections on accessoriness, properties of good mortgages and the development of new mortgage legislation for transition economies or even a future Euro-mortgage (‘Eurohypothec’)
Hans Fredrik Marthinussen
12. Ancillary rights: servitudes
Roderick R.M. Paisley
13. Public property, economic efficiency and fair competition: a French and EU law paradoxical perspective
Bertrand du Marais
