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Global Mobility of Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781837230761
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781787423947
To be Published: July 2025
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £275.00

It is now easier than ever for ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) to select a country as their residence and relocate there. In light of a variety of circumstances, including political instability, tax changes and the proliferation of special tax regimes designed to attract the wealthy across more countries, this is a continually increasing trend.

However, these individuals must consider a wide range of factors when deciding whether to relocate internationally, and so advisers need to take a holistic approach.

Co-published in association with STEP, this book features contributions by leading private client advisers from key jurisdictions worldwide. It provides readers with expert guidance on the tax and legal aspects of inbound and outbound transfer of residence of UHNWIs. Chapters cover the relevant law in their respective jurisdictions relating to:

  • immigration
  • tax
  • succession, and
  • family

The new edition includes 23 country chapters, including new chapters covering Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Malta, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates.

It also includes chapters that are not country specific, dealing with, among others things, succession law and family law issues triggered by relocation, ramifications from the movement of works of art, and the impact of the relocation of UHNWIs for trustees.

This book will be an invaluable tool for lawyers, tax advisers, bankers and all professionals who assist UHNWIs.

Nicola Saccardo, Charles Russell Speechlys

Part I. Jurisdictions
Daniel Appleby, Speed and Stracey Lawyers
Dominique De Bie and Gerd D Goyvaerts, Tiberghien
Alessandro Amadeu da Fonseca, Mattos Filho
Elie S Roth and Ryan Wolfe, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Cayman Islands
Daniel Altneu, Bedell Cristin Cayman Partnership
Sakura Ji and Peter Ni, Zhong Lun Law Firm
Stéphanie Auféril, Arkwood SCP and Claire Brisset, Alta Avocat
Christian von Oertzen and Philipp Windeknecht, Flick Gocke Schaumburg
Elina Filippou, Nikos Maltezos and Despina Mourouti, Zepos & Yannopoulos
Matt Guthrie, Ogier (Guernsey) LLP
Hong Kong
Clifford Ng, Hilary Tai Zhonglun and Sanlie Yeung, Zhong Lun Law Firm LLP
Kunal Savani and Rishabh Shroff, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas
Nicola Saccardo, Charles Russell Speechlys
Jonathan Hughes, Ogier (Jersey) LLP
Rosanne Bonnici and Rebecca Diacono, Fenech & Fenech Advocates
Samy Lazarov, Ana Sofia Rios and Miguel Valle, Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa
Xavier de Sarrau and Corinne Ricciardella, Gordon S Blair Law Offices
Maria Inês Assis and Nuno Cunha Barnabé, Abreu Advogados
Florentino Carreño, Cuatrecasas
Guillaume Grisel, Schellenberg Wittmer
United Arab Emirates
Donatello Pirlo and Carlo Stefano Rota, Statura
United Kingdom
Dominic Lawrence and James Riby, Charles Russell Speechlys
United States
Dean C Berry and William S Schaaf, Cadwalader, Wickersham
& Taft LLP

Part II. General topics
The succession law ramifications of relocation
Richard Frimston and Andrew Godfrey, Russell-Cooke LLP
Relocation – planning to avoid the pitfalls of divorce
Rachael Burton and Mark Harper, Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Relocation and works of art
Ruth Cornett, Christie’s
Fiscal nomads: the impact of relocation on the CRS and DAC6
Samantha Morgan, John Riches and Naomi Shelton, RMW Law LLP
Practical issues faced by trustees on relocation of trust-related parties
Pedro Gemal and Anna Steward, Sequent