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Clean Transport: The Legal Framework for Achieving Net Zero

ISBN13: 9781837230150
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: A4 Paperback
Price: £125.00

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The transport sector has long been recognised as a major contributor to global CO2 emissions, accounting for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions. As concerns about climate change intensify, governments are under increasing pressure to address this issue and implement measures to mitigate the environmental impact of transportation.

Our comprehensive Special Report, Clean Transport, delves into the transport sector’s significant contribution to CO2 emissions and explores how governments worldwide are striving to drive change in this critical area. With a particular focus on modal shift, electric vehicles, sustainable aviation, green shipping and connected autonomous vehicles, this Special Report provides a timely in-depth analysis of the initiatives being undertaken to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable transportation.

Clean Transport will be an invaluable resource for in-house counsel and other legal advisers, senior managers and consultants with an interest in the challenges and opportunities facing the transport sector in contributing to reaching Net Zero emissions targets.

Environmental Law
UK Transport Decarbonisation Strategy - Will Smith, Anna Sweeney
Hydrogen for Transport - Suzanne Moir, Anna Sweeney
Rail Decarbonisation - Rachel Scott, Martin Fleetwood
EV Charging Infrastructure - Paul Dight, Ellen Beardsworth
Modal shift and contactless payments - Andrew Carter, Euan Towers, Jack Houselander
Connected Autonomous Vehicles - Will Smith, Charles Christie, Nathalie Moreno
Green Shipping - Ed Watt
Green Aviation (Sustainable Fuels) - Paul Dight, Sophie Black, Anna Ai