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Determann's Field Guide to Data Privacy Law Compliance: International Corporate Compliance 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781802202922
New Edition ISBN: 9781035336296
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781789906202
Published: January 2022
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £56.95
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781802202908

Despatched in 3 to 5 days.

Companies, lawyers, privacy officers, compliance managers, as well as human resources, marketing and IT professionals are increasingly facing privacy issues. While plenty of information is freely available, it can be difficult to grasp a problem quickly, without getting lost in details and advocacy. This is where Determann’s Field Guide to Data Privacy Law comes into its own – identifying key issues and providing concise practical guidance for an increasingly complex field shaped by rapid change in international laws, technology and society.

This fifth edition reflects significant changes since 2019, such as new laws in California and other jurisdictions, the demise of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, new EU Standard Contractual Clauses, data residency requirements, machine learning, data monetization trends, cloud adoption and the Internet of Things. Readers will benefit from an introduction to key data privacy concepts and useful practical guidance on starting, maintaining and auditing compliance programs. Step-by-step direction on drafting privacy documentation is provided, with ‘how-to’ suggestions for tasks and projects. Finally, the book offers an A-Z list of hot topics, organized by commonly used buzz words, as well as a rich index and checklists. This guide should be on the desk and in the briefcase of every compliance officer and corporate counsel.

New to this Edition:

  • practical tips on deploying the new EU Standard Contractual Clauses
  • guidance on data maps, gap assessments, audit controls, and privacy-tech tools
  • updated discussion and comparison of pros and cons of cross-border transfer compliance mechanisms
  • new guidance based on GDPR enforcement, the California Consumer Privacy Act, the CLOUD Act and other new laws
  • practical considerations regarding dark patterns, anonymization, COVID-19 related challenges, “Schrems 2 assessments,” arbitration clauses, competition laws and data sharing

Key Features:

  • clear structure facilitates quick reference
  • A–Z of data privacy provides snapshot of key topics
  • direction on geographical and topical prioritization
  • practical guide to starting, maintaining and auditing privacy compliance programs
  • glossaries of key acronyms and terms help navigation through the field
  • concise overview of practical requirements of data privacy law compliance worldwide
  • advice on drafting documentation and tools to complete an end-to-end process, including sample documentation and checklists.

Data Protection
1. Starting a compliance program
2. International data transfers – selecting compliance mechanisms
3. Drafting documentation
4. Maintaining and auditing compliance programs
5. Data privacy
A to Z Index