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FRAND: German Case Law and Global Perspectives

Edited by: Peter Georg Picht, Thomas F. Cotter, Erik Habich

ISBN13: 9781800881709
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £206.00

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This book provides a systematic overview of recent German case law on the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing of standard-essential patents (SEP). Principal SEP/FRAND concepts are demonstrated and analysed, such as willingness to license, the FRAND offer, reaction duties and the counteroffer, FRAND-compliance of royalties, portfolio transfers, confidentiality disputes and damages. Global forward-looking topics are also considered in relation to German developments, including alternative dispute resolution and anti-suit/anti-anti-suit injunctions.

Key Features:

  • Provides clear and detailed analysis on the latest developments in German FRAND/SEP case law, giving readers access to case law which has not previously been available in English.
  • Contextualises German SEP/FRAND case law from an international perspective
  • Examines the competing approaches to SEP/FRAND issues in prominent jurisdictions
  • Presents insightful commentary on how thought leaders and decision-makers perceive the future of SEP/FRAND licensing

This book is essential for legal practitioners in competition law and patent law, particularly judges seeking a readily accessible source of information on this evolving body of law. It is also beneficial to scholars of competition and antitrust law and intellectual property law.

Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law, European Jurisdictions, Germany
1. Willingness to license on FRAND terms 2
Erik Habich
2. FRAND offer 79
Erik Habich, Peter Georg Picht, and Thomas F. Cotter
3. Reaction duties and frand counteroffer 154
Erik Habich and Peter Georg Picht
4. Confidentiality 193
Erik Habich
5. FRAND licensing and SEP transfer 239
Erik Habich
6. Damages claims 249
Erik Habich
7. Anti-Antisuit Injunctions 259
Peter Georg Picht

8. US and German approaches to FRAND disputes: like ships that pass in the night 275
Thomas F. Cotter
9. Judicial treatment of standard essential patents and FRAND royalties, 2010–2022 298
Hon. James L. Robart
10. Determination of the global royalty rate of standard essential patents: judicial jurisdiction and determination method from Chinese law perspective 303
Guangliang Zhang
11. The paradox of willingness to license through property and liability rule lenses and the aggregation logic of FRAND: another painting of the cathedral 334
Erik Habich
12. FRAND and level selection – guidance from the exhaustion doctrine and prior case law on statutory compulsory licensing? 379
Patricia Rombach
13. Anti-anti-suit injunctions 397
Matthias Zigann and Hubertus Schacht
14. Arbitration of FRAND disputes 427
Richard Arnold
15. FRAND ADR under the Data Act and the SEP Regulation 447
Tilman Niedermaier and Peter Georg Picht
Bibliography 477