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EU Trade Law

ISBN13: 9781800377349
Published: October 2020
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2019)
Price: £40.95
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9781788977401

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This comprehensive book provides a thorough analytical overview of the European Union's existing law and policy in the field of international trade.

Considering the history and context of the law's evolution, it offers an adept examination of its common commercial policy competence through the years, starting with the Treaty of Rome up until the Treaty of Lisbon, as a background for understanding the EU's present role in the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework. Accessible and thought-provoking, chapters offer a legal analysis of EU trade policy after the Treaty of Rome, after the conclusion of the WTO Agreement, at the Treaty of Amsterdam, at the Treaty of Nice, and at the Treaty of Lisbon, taking into account the most recent constitutional developments by the Lisbon Treaty on division of competences between the EU and its Member States. Additional thought is given to the role of major EU institutions and their balance within EU trade law and policy, and the tension between efficiency and accountability in decision-making processes in EU trade policy is further considered.

Students and scholars working in the field of European and international trade law and policy, and international economic law and policy more generally, will find this a clear and useful resource. Practitioners seeking a clear and up-to-date insight into the area will also appreciate this important work.

International Trade, EU Law
1. Introduction
Part I. Substantive Aspects
2. The European Communities’ external action
3. The European Union in the GATT/World Trade Organization
4. The Nice Treaty
5. The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties
Part II. Procedural Aspects
6. Mixed agreements
7. Negotiation of trade agreements
8. Conclusion and ratification of trade agreements
9. Implementation and dispute settlement of trade agreements
10. Enforcement of trade agreements
11. Efficiency v. accountability
12. Conclusion
