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Centralising Public Procurement: The Approach of EU Member States

Edited by: Carina Risvig Hamer, Mario Comba

ISBN13: 9781800370401
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

This timely book examines the ever-increasing prevalence of Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs), analysing their use and structure across different EU Member States. It argues that since CPBs are only partially regulated at EU level, their operations will depend on the legislation of the individual Member States and more importantly on the States' distinct practices and traditions. Comparative contributions consider the legal nature and structures of CPBs across 12 Member States and the UK.

Through comprehensive comparative analysis, this book investigates competition law and SMEs, economic and management perspectives, and centralised public purchasing during the COVID-19 pandemic within the sphere of CPBs and joint procurement. Chapters explore the use of procurement techniques and electronic instruments by CPBs and the liability and remedies perspectives of CPBs and their users.

Providing a complete overview of CPBs structure in different Member States and the aspects of joint procurements, Centralising Public Procurement will be of interest to students and scholars of European and commercial law. It also offers important insights for CPBs themselves, practitioners and policy-makers, as well as contracting authorities using CPBs in the different Member States.

Public Procurement
Foreword by Roberto Caranta and Steen Treumer
1. Introduction
Mario Comba and Carina Risvig Hamer
2. EU perspective on CPBs
Mario Comba and Carina Risvig Hamer
3. CPBs in the European legal space: an unresolved misconception
Mario Comba
4. A comparative view of the use of procurement techniques and electronic instruments by central purchasing bodies
Roxana Vornicu and Marta Andhov
5. Joint Procurement: An Economics and Management Perspectives
Fredo Schotanus
6. Public Procurement by Central Purchasing Bodies. Competition and SMEs: toward a more dynamic model?
Albert Sanchez Graells
7. CPBs and their users - Shared liability, contract management and remedies
Carina Risvig Hamer
8. Public purchasing in EU during the COVID-19 pandemic
Judy Yueh Ling Song
Part II: National chapters
9. Central Purchasing Bodies (and other forms of joint procurement) - Belgium
Steven Van Garsse
10. Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs) in Denmark
Carina Risvig Hamer
11. Central Purchasing Bodies in Finland
Kirsi-Maria Halonen
12. Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs) in France
Fanette Akoka and François Lichère
13. Country Report on Germany
Martin Burgi and Christoph Krönke
14. Centralised Procurement in the Netherlands: A mixture of procurement autonomy, decentralization
& diversified collaborative purchasing
W.A. Janssen and M.A.J. Stuijts
15. Central Purchasing Bodies in Italy: Reluctance and Challenges
Gabriella M. Racca
16. Central Purchasing Bodies: the Case of Poland
Paweł Nowicki
17. Centralisation and Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs) in Portugal
Pedro Cerqueira Gomes
18. Central Purchasing Bodies in Romania
Roxana Vornicu and Dacian Dragos,
19. Central Purchasing Bodies in Spain
Patricia Valcárcel Fernández
20. Central Purchasing Bodies in Sweden
Åsa Edman
21. Central Purchasing Bodies in United Kingdom
Luke Butler, Alice Manzini and Martin Trybus