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EU Telecommunications Law

ISBN13: 9781789907711
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2018)
Price: £41.95
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781786431790

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

EU Telecommunications Law provides a comprehensive overview of the current European regulatory framework as it applies to telecommunications and examines the challenges facing regulators in this sector. Key chapters focus on the selection of appropriate regulatory models that serve to encourage effective investment in next-generation networks and ensure their successful deployment. Andrej Savin provides an up to date overview of all the relevant sources which relate to EU telecoms regulation, guiding the reader through these disparate materials in a simple and systematised way. In particular, the book provides analysis of the 2016 proposal for a European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Using the 2009 Regulatory Framework on electronic communications as a basis the author analyses each of the 2009 framework's five main directives, comparing them with the changes proposed in the EECC.

Providing a comprehensive introduction to the main areas of EU telecoms regulation, this book will be of great value to telecoms and IT lawyers. It will also appeal to academics carrying out research in IT law or competition law as it relates to IT and telecoms.

Telecommunications Law
1. Regulating Telecommunications in the EU
2. The Development of EU Telecommunications Policy
3. The Legal Framework for Telecommunications Regulation in the EU
4. Competition and Telecommunications
5. Regulation of Market Entry - Authorisation and Spectrum Policy
6. Access and Interconnection
7. Universal Service
8. Consumer Protection
9. Regulating Television
10. Policy Controversies
11. Data Protection and Cybersecurity
12. Concluding Remarks