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Leaving the Arena: A Story of Bench and Bar

ISBN13: 9781788318266
Published: September 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £45.00

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The Rt. Hon. Sir David Keene has had a long and distinguished career both at the Bar and on the Bench.

From being called to the Bar by the Inner Temple, taking silk and becoming chairman of the Planning Bar to the High Court and Court of Appeal, Sir David has been involved in a number of fascinating cases over the course of his career, from the Stanstead Airport inquiry to the McDonald libel appeal.

In Leaving the Arena Sir David reveals the story of his life from childhood to retirement. This memoir reveals the daily life of Keene as a law student at Oxford to working in the chambers, standing as a prospective candidate for Labour and becoming a QC before retiring after 9 years in the Court of Appeal.

Chapter 1. In the Beginning
Chapter 2. Oxford
Chapter 3. An American Interlude
Chapter 4. Bar Pupillage, and Marriage
Chapter 5. Life at the Bar: Early Days
Chapter 6. Family and Politics
Chapter 7. Into Silk
Chapter 8. The Bench Full-Time
Chapter 9. France - and the Blairs
Chapter 10. To the Court of Appeal
Chapter 11. The Home Straight;