Comparative Law for Spanish–English Speaking Lawyers (Derecho comparado para abogados anglo- e hispanoparlantes) provides lawyers and law students who are conversationally fluent in both Spanish and English with the information and skills needed to undertake comparative legal research in their second language, and facilitate communication with colleagues and clients in that language. Rather than focusing solely on narrow issues of substantive law, abstract methodology or single-country comparisons, this text helps lawyers develop the broad practical skills critical to success in today’s increasingly international legal market.
Fully Spanish–English bilingual, the text covers a variety of substantive and procedural areas of law and includes information on legal and business practices in a number of English- and Spanish-speaking jurisdictions. The book is unique in the way that it contextualizes information about foreign legal systems and develops readers’ linguistic and legal skills through both immersion and instruction. The text is suitable for use by both individuals and groups, helping practitioners, academics and law students at any stage of their professional development.
This book is perfect for anyone who wishes to move from conversational fluency in a second language to legal fluency. Furthermore, the wide geographic scope of the book means that readers will be able to apply their new skills to a variety of English- and Spanish-speaking jurisdictions.