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Building the Data-Driven Law Firm 2nd ed (eBook)

Edited by: Alex Davies

ISBN13: 9781787429239
Published: November 2022
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £149.00
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Like so many other professions, law is becoming increasingly influenced by an overwhelming amount of disparate, fragmented and complex data that can both help and hinder business. Data comes from a wealth of different sources, both internal and external, constantly changing, never still. Keeping control of all that data is one challenge; leveraging it to the greater good much harder.

Despite the huge amount of data in the average law firm, data-driven decision-making is relatively new and uncharted. With the hugely disruptive changes that have occurred in our ways of working over the last two years, the issue of data is now front and centre.

This second edition of Building the Data-Driven Law Firm looks at how the use of data has become inextricably linked with the practice of law; how it can be utilized to the good, and the safeguards that must be put in place to mitigate the bad; how Big Data will revolutionize the way lawyers work, and the cases they will work on; and how new uses for data (including blockchain and the Internet of Things) will influence the law firm of the future. Bringing the book bang up to date, new content features how we can keep data secure in the changing world of work, how data can be used for business development and client satisfaction, the implications of data bias and data theft, and whether the way we use data is even useful anymore.

Legal Practice Management, eBooks, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
Executive summary
About the authors
Chapter 1: A single source of truth for your firm
David Curle, legal content and research lead, Litera
Chapter 2: Unlocking contractual data
By Shilpa Bhandarkar and Doug Donahue, Linklaters
Chapter 3: Data and people – the missing link
Phil Burdon, Donoma Advisors
Chapter 4: Blockchain and the legal sector
By David Fisher, Integra
Chapter 5: Data Bites
By Joanne Frears, solicitor, Lionshead Law
Chapter 6: Data in a remote environment
By Silvia Bauer, Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Chapter 7: Building a data-driven business development strategy
Yolanda Cartusciello, PP&C Consulting
Chapter 8: Why your data might be useless
Jaap Bosman, consultant –
Chapter 9: Data in the 2020s
Paul Brook, Dell