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The Rise of Specialist Career Paths in Law Firms

Edited by: Katerina Menhennet

ISBN13: 9781787428720
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: A4 Paperback
Price: £159.00

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Law firms have evolved exponentially over the last few decades, and today it requires far more than legal skills for firms to operate efficiently, fulfil client demands, give back to their communities and, ultimately, succeed. As a result, specialist roles beyond fee-earning have been created and more continue to emerge as technology advances and competition intensifies. They are a crucial part of future-proofing law firms and there is growing recognition of the respect and value they deserve with increasing numbers gaining positions in senior management. These roles range from working with legal tech to bringing in new business, from managing the firm’s risk and compliance function to collaborating with clients to develop new products. For a lawyer looking to take the next steps in their career, or a law firm wanting to implement the career paths required for future success, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

The Rise of Specialist Career Paths in Law Firms is the essential guide to the plethora of career opportunities available in law firms. It covers more established roles such as the professional support lawyer and pro bono professional, and new, emerging career paths, including in innovation and legal operations, as well as roles that will become available in the future. Written by experts with lived experience performing these roles, chapters provide information and insights into the different opportunities available, the skills needed to thrive in these positions, the responsibilities they entail and how to build careers in these spaces.

With increasing client demands and the ‘talent war’ raging, this title will demonstrate how implementing these specialist career paths will enable law firms to continue to provide stellar client service and develop and retain top legal talent, who are increasingly looking for more tailored and flexible career options. It will also provide individual lawyers with the resource to identify and pursue the career that suits them best, allowing them to thrive to the benefit of both the individuals and their firms.

Careers and Professional Development
Executive summary
About the authors
Chapter 1: Why there is a need for a variety of career paths
By Mitch Kowalski, thought leader and legal operations advisor
Chapter 2: The role of the professional support lawyer
By Clare Hart, partner and head of professional support, Digby Brown LLP
Chapter 3: Career paths for professional support lawyers
By Lucy Hall, client value lawyer, Shearman & Sterling LLP
Chapter 4: The evolution of knowledge management – meeting the future
By Clare Harman Clark, senior professional support lawyer,
Taylor Wessing LLP
Chapter 5: Career structures in knowledge management teams
By Karen Battersby, director of knowledge and innovation, Freeths
Chapter 6: Pro bono management
By Amy Grunske, head of international pro bono, sustainability & community responsibility, Orrick
Chapter 7: Risk and compliance
By Rebecca Atkinson, director of risk and compliance, Howard Kennedy
Chapter 8: How to create a successful career in legal business development
By Anne Macdonald, partner, Harper Macleod LLP
Chapter 9: The shifting sands of talent management
By Rachel Brushfield, founder, EnergiseLegal
Chapter 10: Communications
By Hayley Geffin, head of communications & PR, Mishcon de Reya
Chapter 11: Innovation
By Amy Monaghan, practice innovation manager, Perkins Coie
Chapter 12: Legal operations
By Tammy Heydenrych, managing consultant and Tom Evans, legal operations consultant,
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Chapter 13: The role of the legal engineer
By Nina Gramcko, lawyer and legal engineer, Noerr
Chapter 14: The emerging world of ESG
By Claire Shasha, lawyer and ESG advocate
Chapter 15: Hyperspecialization and its impact on law firm careers
by Rebecca Holdredge, innovations manager,
Husch Blackwell