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European Takeovers: The Art of Acquisition 3rd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781787428058
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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European Takeovers provides a complete guide to the European Takeover Directive, national M&A regulation and the interaction between domestic and pan-European regulation. It contains a detailed discussion of the fundamental principles of national and European law, its application and the various practical issues that companies and their advisers face as they plan, defend and execute takeovers.

This third edition further explores the area following the partial harmonisation of takeover regulation within the European Union since the introduction of the European Takeover Directive and is an exhaustive reference source for anyone preparing, participating in and responding to takeover activity in the EU. Chapters have been fully updated with the latest regulations and case law in the featured jurisdictions, and new chapters have been added addressing key topics such as the relationship between ESG and M&A, as well as complex topics such as the notion of collusion.

This title will prove to be an invaluable guide for practising professionals and academics studying this area of law. Written by leading legal and banking professionals, and academics from across Europe, European Takeovers will help you navigate national takeover legislation and its implementation, and discusses recent ground-breaking and controversial takeovers from across the Continent. Notable transactions examined include Akzo Nobel-PPG, Syngenta-ChemChina, Actelion-J&J, Celesio-McKesson, Abertis-ACS/Atlantia and SAB Miller-AB InBev.

Banking and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, eBooks
Alejandro Fernández de Araoz of Araoz y Rueda Abogados
M&A, takeovers and ESG
Alejandro Fernández de Araoz of Araoz y Rueda Abogados
Creeping acquisitions in Europe
Luca Enriques of University of Oxford; Matteo Gatti of Rutgers Law School
Convertible bonds and the best price rule: the Celesio case
Tom Kirchmaier of London School of Economics; Casimiro A. Nigro of Goethe Universität
Tom Kirchmaier of London School of Economics; Casimiro A. Nigro of Goethe Universität
Philippe Remels of NautaDutilh; Paul Van Hooghten of Jones Day
Rikke Schiøtt Petersen of Gorrissen Federspiel
Klaus R. Ilmonen of Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd.
Rodolphe Elineau of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Matthias Cloppenburg of Hengeler Mueller Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Gianluca Leotta and Carla Talarico of Legali Riuniti Lex
Laurent Schummer and Serge Zeien of Arendt & Medernach
Christiaan de Brauw and Olivier Valk of Allen & Overy LLP
Lukasz Gasinski and Jakub Zagrajek of Rymarz Zdort
João Diogo Barbosa, Jorge Morais, Pedro Pais de Almeida and Isabel Pinheiro Torres of Abreu Advogados
Alejandro Fernández de Araoz of Araoz y Rueda Abogados
Fredrik Palm of Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå KB
Pascal Hubli, Lorenzo Olgiati and Martin Weber of Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd.
United Kingdom
Matthew Hamilton-Foyn of Allen & Overy