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The Post-Pandemic Law Firm (eBook)

Edited by: Alex Davies

ISBN13: 9781787428027
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £149.00
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The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a seismic and lasting impact on how the business of law is conducted. Whilst 2020 certainly expedited changes that were already trending – flexible work schedules, fully-remote offices, revised resource allocations, new client expectations – it also forced firms to adopt practices, methodologies, and strategies that pre-COVID they insisted they could not.

These changes are not only here to stay but have become the expectation. Law firm attorneys, staff, and indeed clients are no longer interested in a traditional office, nor the practices that typically occurred within them. The modern law firm needs to evolve with both employee and consumer expectations in order to stay abreast with the post-pandemic world.

The Post-Pandemic Law Firm looks at how law firms can make a paradigm shift, adopting an entirely new business model that focuses on providing outcomes, outputs, and results to their clients and internally places the wellbeing of their team as a cornerstone to the future long-term success and sustainability of the legal profession. Chapters include changes to business models, virtual and remote working, how the pandemic has affected women in the profession, the future of dispute resolution, M&A activity and changes to pricing models – all authored by highly respected practitioners in the modern legal system.

For those law firms leaders and lawyers that realize a ‘return to normal’ is exactly the wrong approach, there is an opportunity to create a brighter future where work–life balance, market innovation, and smart use of technology will define the law firm of the future.

Legal Practice Management, eBooks
Chapter 1: COVID-19 and the rise of the 21st century law firm
Wayne Hassay, Maguire Schneider Hassay, LLP
Chapter 2: Pricing and business model change pre, during, and post-COVID-19
John Chisholm, John Chisholm Consulting
Chapter 3: Never let a good crisis go to waste: How to take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis and improve your law firm
Stuart Wilson, Dentons
Chapter 4: Women in law
Patricia Gillette, author, speaker, lawyer
Chapter 5: Law firms of the future (and other business models)
Yvonne Nath, Law Vision
Chapter 6: The fledgling post-pandemic law firm – status quo or brand new normal?
Mary Juetten, Traklight
Chapter 7: The value of non-legal skills in the management of law firms
Jon Whittle, Jon Whittle Consulting
Chapter 8: Dispute Resolution from A to Z – will remote practice prevail?
Mary Juetten, Traklight
Chapter 9: M&A activity post-pandemic – the future landscape of law
Viv Williams, Viv Williams Consulting
Chapter 10: Thriving in a post-pandemic world – cutting-edge law practice areas
Sally Kane and Ashley Jordan, Reed Smith
Chapter 11: A happy profitable law firm – imagine that?
Debbie Epstein Henry, Founder, DEH Speaking, Consulting, Writing