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Innovations in Client Experience (eBook)

Edited by: Alex Davies

ISBN13: 9781787426481
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £199.00
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Client experience (CX) is by no means a new concept. Ever since the service industry came into being, providing excellent customer service has been a key concern, with particular focus on how the client experiences the service they are receiving.

Yet, client experience is rarely delivered well. Inconsistencies, errors, and an endlessly unanswered phone lead to frustration on the part of the client, and a feeling that they are worth little more than a signature on the monthly timesheet.

So, how do law firms, and individual lawyers, ensure they exceed expectations, and deliver the best customer experience possible? And what benefits – tangible and intangible – does this bring?

Innovations in Client Experience brings together a collection of global contributors, giving their thoughts and advice on how the legal profession can up its game in client experience, offering innovative strategies and pragmatic advice to those law firms concerned they need to improve their CX.

Executive summary
About the authors
Chapter 1: Delivering a great client experience
Ken Grady, adjunct professor, Michigan State University College of Law
Chapter 2: To serve – the key principles of client service
Julian Summerhayes, solicitor, coach, and speaker
Chapter 3: Client journey mapping
Yolanda Cartusciello, partner, PP&C Consulting
Chapter 4: Measuring value using outcome-based strategies
Kim Carr, managing partner, FBC Manby Bowdler
Chapter 5: Client feedback – asking the hard questions to gain the best results
Nathaniel Slavin, founder and partner, Wicker Park Group
Chapter 6: The importance of listening to enhance client experience
Sally Dyson, director, Firm Sense Ltd
Chapter 7: Client experience – an expanded view of brand
Edwin Bodensiek, chief client experience offi cer, and Ryan Burruss, director of marketing, Miles & Stockbridge
Chapter 8: Technology – creating value for clients through innovative ways of working
Stephen Poor, chair emeritus, Seyfarth Shaw
Chapter 9: Enhancing the client experience with technology
Judith McKay, chief client and innovation officer, McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Chapter 10: The LawNet mark of excellence – lessons for law firms
Helen Hamilton-Shaw, member engagement and strategy director, LawNet