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Business Development for Women Lawyers (eBook)

Edited by: Alex Davies

ISBN13: 9781787425613
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Research suggests that there are gender differences in business development. Regardless of industry, women tend to develop relationships for the intrinsic value of those relationships, while men do so for the potential yield those relationships may bring. Men approach prospects with the goal of obtaining business, whilst women’s goal is to build ties. A gross generalization? Maybe. But the fact is, there are still far more men in partnership and leadership roles than women, and business development – the people you know, your order book, and your ranking within an organization – is key to that.

The book features multiple contributions from women across the globe, looking at the skills and techniques, experiences and talents that female lawyers use to develop their practices and grow their order books, acting as both inspiration and motivation to its readers.

Developing successful, authentic, out-of-the-box business development strategies in a largely male-dominated profession is a challenge for many women lawyers. Where many senior partners have developed business by playing golf or taking their clients for cigars and steaks, women need to find a different way to develop business based upon their own personal interests and strengths.

Legal Practice Management, eBooks
Executive summary
About the author
Chapter 1: Developing successful, authentic, out-of-the-box business development strategies
By Audra Dial, managing partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Chapter 2: The power of empathy in legal practice
By Nika Kabiri, VP, Lux Insights
Chapter 3: Advancement and empowerment of women lawyers – taking the credit
By Natasha Innocenti, partner, MLegal Group
Chapter 4: Female-friendly networking – the power of social media
By Belinda Lester, LionsHead Law
Chapter 5: Building reputations and relationships
By Patricia Gillette
Chapter 6: Systematic networking: effectively leveraging your network
By Debbie Epstein Henry, DEH
Chapter 7: Helping women lawyers overcome their blocks about marketing
By Rachel Brushfi eld, The Talent Liberator, Energise Legal
Chapter 8: Case study – building a boutique law firm
By Pam Loch, managing director, Loch Associates
Chapter 9: Technology – an underrepresented field for women?
By Joanne Frears, Poise Law
Chapter 10: Steps to build your practice and be a successful rainmaker
By Susan Duncan, founder and president, Rainmaking Oasis