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Secured Finance Transactions: Taking Security, Deal Structures and Emerging Markets 2nd ed

Edited by: Dominic R.M. Griffiths

ISBN13: 9781787425149
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781905783106
Published: March 2022
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £165.00

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Secured finance transactions are implemented the world over between companies, banks, funds and individuals. They form, and have formed for centuries, an integral part of the world of corporate finance. Yet there are many complexities that need to be considered and understood, including the intricate juxtaposition of laws, regulations, local custom and precedents governing such transactions; the many forms security interests take, and the varying effect these have on enforcement by the creditor of their rights under such security; the impact of which market the loan or other credit was obtained in on the manner in which security is implemented; and the jurisdictional differences in the laws and regulations applicable to such transactions.

Secured Finance Transactions, Second Edition provides the legal practitioner, businessman and banker, student and interested observer, with a practical guide to important legal developments in the field of secured finance. It includes key coverage of:

  • the taking of security interests over key business assets
  • the application of security in the context of a variety of different transaction types, and
  • the characteristics of secured transactions in core emerging and developing markets

This second edition, with 23 chapters, brings together experts on the topic and expands further on the work in the first edition in covering the types of collateral used as security, the variety of transaction types and geographical coverage in emerging markets. An invaluable manual for those already present or entering into the financing arena, this title is a critical support at a time of unprecedented international lending activity.

Commercial Law, Banking and Finance
Dominic R.M. Griffiths - Mayer Brown
Part I: Taking Security
English law security interests
Dominic Griffiths - Mayer Brown
Bank accounts
Spiros V. Bazinas, Lecturer, author and consultant
Receivables/book debts
Charles Thain - Mayer Brown
Simon Fisher - Mayer Brown
Fixed assets/property
Andrew Hepner - Mayer Brown
Intellectual property
Mark Prinsley - Mayer Brown
Part II: Secured financing structures
Acquisition finance
Stuart Brinkworth - Mayer Brown
Asset based lending/receivables finance
Alex Dell - Mayer Brown
Aircraft finance
Richard Stock - Mayer Brown
Ship finance
Bill Amos, Maggie Cheung, Conor Warde - Mayer Brown
DIP financing
Trevor Borthwick, Matthew Wargin - Mayer Brown
Funds finance
Aimee Sharman - Mayer Brown
Islamic finance
Barry Cosgrave - Mayer Brown
Project finance
Meredith Campanale, Rachel Speight - Mayer Brown
Real estate finance
Charles Malpass - Mayer Brown
Part III: Emerging markets
General features and export finance
Ashley McDermott - Mayer Brown
Ian Coles, Alban Dorin - Mayer Brown
Eastern Europe
Claudia Chiper, Robert David, Przemyslaw Kozdoj, Katerina Kraeva - Wolf Theiss
Latin America
Jan Boker, Douglas Doetsch, Eduardo Lima, Luis Montes, Ariel Ramos
Dan Whitmore - Mayer Brown
Part IV: Additional features and developments
Security trustees
Gary Silverman - Mayer Brown
Inter-creditor arrangements
Andrew Crotty - Mayer Brown
International receivables
Spiroz V. Bazinas - Lecturer, author and consultant
Sarah Walters - Mayer Brown