Lawyers of the 2020s operate in a ferociously competitive world and face unprecedented complexity, change and conflicting demands. As well as regulatory, legislative, economic and political uncertainty, other challenges include pricing pressures, technological advances, and market innovation. In this climate, professional development is ever more critical and the ambitious legal professional must develop their own competitive strategy to survive and thrive.
In this book, authors Sarah Goulbourne, Clare Jones and Steve Couch, from leading challenger law firm gunnercooke, apply real-life, evidence-based coaching techniques and step-by-step practices exclusively to the legal sector.
Through exploring ten core areas of professional development for lawyers, discover how to unleash yourself from your barriers and future-proof your legal career today. Content covers everything from self-discovery, through to thought-leadership and pitching as well as the skills and behaviours that underpin success. Readers are invited to create their own dynamic personal development programme and are challenged to hold themselves accountable for delivering it.
This title will help senior level lawyers looking to build a lasting reputation, successful practice and sustainable, balanced career. It will provide clarity about your value and a deeper understanding of how to develop client relationships, as well as uncovering challenges to your progress and identifying priority next steps to make everything you do more effective.