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The Lawyer as Leader: How to Own your Career and Lead in Law Firms (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781787422339
Published: April 2019
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £45.00
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This special report is a practical, experience-based guide to personal development at every stage of a lawyer’s career.

The author draws on over 30 years as an international commercial lawyer and senior partner in a Magic Circle firm to offer a roadmap for moving from a “What’s expected of me?” mindset to self-leadership and leadership of others.

The report’s main theme is that retaking autonomy and control can transform engagement and fulfillment in a legal career. Topics covered include career planning, confidence, fulfillment, wellbeing and work-life balance, building an internal support network and “trusted adviser” client relationships, communication and feedback, project management, commerciality and understanding value from the client’s perspective. It also contains a section on pre-retirement planning.

The special report is above all practical and contains a wealth of tools and templates developed by the author for career planning, self appraisal and project management.

eBooks, Careers and Professional Development
1. Creating the environment for successful development
1.1 Inside the lawyer’s mind
1.2 Autonomy
2. Where are commercial law firms heading?
2.1 The bigger picture
2.2 Money and lateral hires
2.3 Globalisation and mergers
2.4 And then what?
3. Lawyers as leaders – leading others
3.1 Lawyers as leaders
3.2 Effective legal teams
3.3 Communication, feedback and critical conversations
3.4 Building your connections
3.5 Business awareness
3.6 Managing deals for value: legal project management
3.7 Working effectively across borders
4. Self-leadership – getting the career you want
4.1 Career possibilities – Inside, outside, rock star
4.2 Why do a plan: what will it bring you?
4.3 What should a good plan look like?
4.4 Where am I now?
4.5 Where next?
4.6 Making it happen: Commitments and follow-up
4.7 What does it take to make partner?
5. Coaching yourself and others through change
5.1 Visiting the oracle
5.2 Self-assessment
5.3 Anchors and drivers
5.4 Values and simple guiding principles
5.5 Motivation
5.6 Readiness for change
5.7 Emotional intelligence
5.8 Walking in another’s shoes
5.9 Mapping the environment
5.10 Knowing goals and managing expectations
5.11 Weighing up change
5.12 Confidence
6. Types of change in a lawyers’ career
6.1 Types of change and their challenges
6.2 The stages in a lawyer’s career
7. Wellbeing
7.1 Energy budgets
7.2 Mindfulness and microbreaks
7.3 Sleep, diet and exercise
7.4 Fear and loathing in law firms – a plea for psychological safety
Appendix 1 – Emotional intelligence
Appendix 2 – Self-appraisal
Appendix 3 –
Partner/senior associate career planning template
Appendix 4 – Project management