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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
International E-Discovery: A Global Handbook of Law and Technology 2nd ed isbn 9781787424500

International E-Discovery: A Global Handbook of Law and Technology

Edited by: Mark Surguy

ISBN13: 9781787421721
New Edition ISBN: 9781787424500
Published: August 2018
Publisher: Globe Law and Business
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £50.00
(Second Hand)

In stock second-hand.

International E-discovery offers a unique collection of world-wide analysis on the state of knowledge and practice in the use of digital evidence in legal and regulatory contexts.

Written by hands-on technologists and legal practitioners this publication surveys the very latest developments that have been achieved in the principal legal centres of the commercial world in the use of leading-edge technology. The challenges experienced in the courts of different parts of the world are similar but there is no single solution that solves the problem created by the vast volumes of corporate data that form the basis of investigations, litigation and arbitration.

Computer science with its statistical measurement, trial and error and numerical approach is converging with developed (and in some cases underdeveloped) legal knowledge, practice and procedure in different corners of the world. The task of bringing together the skills and approach of two very different disciplines is the key to successfully maintain a system of justice that works for business at a cost that is not overwhelmingly disproportionate.

The authors (all leaders in their field) have addressed issues such as professional conduct, privacy laws, different levels of judicial awareness, the proper use of powerful search tools and techniques and the likely shape of the future. In one title for the first time the veil is lifted to provide you with deep insights into what works and what does not and where the money goes. There are professional tips on getting ahead with best practice on a country by country basis.

A must-have addition to the seasoned practitioner’s library, a vital read for students and practitioners of the future, and essential background reading for judges and arbitrators, this is both a thought leadership and accessible practical text that together multiple professional disciplines into a single volume.

Evidence, Clearance
Introduction Mark Surguy Weightmans
The history of discovery Mark Surguy Weightmans
The advent of e discovery Mayank Sharma Deloitte
GDPR and Privacy Tracey Stretton
Data transfer: outsourcing document review Philip Algieri Robert Coppola QuisLex, Inc.
Data transfer: storage, accessibility, retrieval Martin Bonney Mark Simpson Epiq | Legal Solutions
Mark Noel Stroz Friedberg
Professional standards Mark Surguy Weightmans
The common law countries
United States Jorge Mestre Rivero Mestre LLP Christopher Trowbridge Bell Nunnally & Martin LLP
Canada Roger Campbell Candice Chan-Glasgow Molly Reynolds Ilan Tsekhman Lynne Vicars Scotiabank
United Kingdom and Ireland Tracey Stretton
Australia Kelly Douglas Anne Freeman Piper Alderman
New Zealand Glen Holm Hansen Lowndes Ltd
Hong Kong
Germany Markus Bauer Rittershaus
Italy Claudio Cocuzza Giacomo Gori Cocuzza & Associati Studio Legale
Developing jurisdictions
Singapore Edmund Kronenburg Bradell Brothers LLP
Mexico Diego Alonso Ramos Castillo
Future trends Tracey Stretton
Japan Yoshi Hayakawa Uryu & Itoga
Closing thoughts Tracey Stretton