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International Space Law

Edited by: Frans von der Dunk

ISBN13: 9781786438904
Published: July 2018
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £298.00

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The scholarly contributions presented in this timely collection address the special realm of legal rules pertinent to space activities and their terrestrial applications. Outer space is generally considered a “global commons”, so this volume focuses on the international regime which is also the foundation of an increasing number of national space laws. Topics covered concern the development, character and structure of international space law, its relationship with national space law, and the military and commercial aspects of space activities, including launching and satellite applications. Together with an original introduction by the editor, this fascinating collection provides a comprehensive overview of the most important matters relating to international space law and will be a valuable research tool for academics and practitioners alike.

Air and Space Law
Introduction Frans G. von der Dunk
1. Peter Jankowitsch (1998), ‘The Role of the United Nations in Outer Space Law Development: Past Achievements and New Challenges’, Journal of Space Law: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Issue, 26 (2), 101–10
2. Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz (2004), ’Space Law: Its Cold War Origins and Challenges in the Era of Globalization’, Suffolk University Law Review, XXXVII (4), 1041–65
3. Stephan Hobe (2002), ‘The Relevance of Current International Space Treaties in the 21st Century’, Annals of Air and Space Law, XXVII, 335–46
4. Vladlen S. Vereshchetin and Gennady M. Danilenko (1985), ‘Custom as a Source of International Law of Outer Space’, Journal of Space Law, 13 (1), 22–35
5. Steven Freeland (2012), ‘The Role of “Soft Law” in Public International Law and its Relevance to the International Legal Regulation of Outer Space’, in Irmgard Marboe (ed.), Soft Law in Outer Space: The Function of Non-binding Norms in International Space Law, Vienna, Austria and Cologne, Germany: Böhlau Verlag, 9–30
6. Frans von der Dunk (2008), ‘As Space Law Comes to Nebraska, Space Comes Down to Earth’, Nebraska Law Review, 87 (2), 498–515
7. I. Marboe and F. Hafner (2011), ‘Brief Overview over National Authorization Mechanisms in Implementation of the UN International Space Treaties’, in Frans G. von der Dunk (ed.), National Space Legislation in Europe: Issues of Authorisation of Private Space Activities in the Light of Developments in European Space Cooperation, Chapter 2, Leiden, the Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV, 29–71
8. Diego Zannoni (2013), ‘Conflict and Conciliation of National Space Laws’, Annals of Air and Space Law, XXXVIII, 343–84
9. Robert A. Ramey (2000), ‘Armed Conflict on the Final Frontier: The Law of War in Space’, Air Force Law Review, 48, 1–157
10. David A. Koplow (2009), ‘ASAT-isfaction: Customary International Law and the Regulation of Anti-Satellite Weapons’, Michigan Journal of International Law, 30 (4), Summer, 1187–272
11. Matthew Schaefer (2013), ‘Analogues between Space Law and Law of the Sea/International Maritime Law: Can Space Law Usefully Borrow or Adapt Rules from These Other Areas of Public International Law?’, Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2012, Issue 3: The International Legal Regulation of Outer Space within the Scope of Public International Law, The Hague, the Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 316–30
12. James L. Reed (1997), ‘The Commercial Space Launch Market and Bilateral Trade Agreements in Space Launch Services’, American University International Law Review, 13 (1), 157–217
13. Varlin J. Vissepó (2005), ‘Legal Aspects of Reusable Launch Vehicles’, Journal of Space Law, 31 (1), Summer, 165–217
14. Steven Freeland (2005), ‘Up, Up and ... Back: The Emergence of Space Tourism and Its Impact on the International Law of Outer Space ’, Chicago Journal of International Law, 6 (1), Summer, 1–22
15. Frans G. von der Dunk (2007), ‘Passing the Buck to Rogers: International Liability Issues in Private Spaceflight’, Nebraska Law Review, 86 (2), 400–38
16. Stephan Hobe and Jan Helge Mey (2009), ‘UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines’, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht, 58 (3), 388–403
17. F. G. von der Dunk, E. Back-Impallomeni, S. Hobe and R. M. Ramirez de Arellano (2004), ‘Surreal Estate: Addressing the Issue of “Immovable Property Rights on the Moon”’, Space Policy, 20 (3), August, 149–56
18. Henry R. Hertzfeld and Frans G. von der Dunk (2005), ‘Bringing Space Law into the Commercial World: Property Rights without Sovereignty ’, Chicago Journal of International Law, 6 (1), Summer, 81–99
19. Stephan Hobe (2007), ‘Adequacy of the Current Legal and Regulatory Framework Relating to the Extraction and Appropriation of Natural Resources in Outer Space’, Annals of Air and Space Law, XXXII, 115–30
20. Frans G. von der Dunk (2015), ‘Legal Aspects of Satellite Communications – A Mini Handbook’, Journal of Telecommunication and Broadcasting Law, 4, September, 1–26
21. Francis Lyall (2015), ‘”Harmful Interference” and the ITU’, in Mahulena Hofmann (ed.), Harmful Interference in Regulatory Perspective: Legal Rules for Interference-Free Radio Communicaton: 3rd Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication Law, Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 19–29
22. Attila Matas, Yvon Henri and Chuen Chern Loo (2016), ‘The ITU Radio Regulations Related to Small Satellites’, in Irmgard Marboe (ed.), Small Satellites: Regulatory Challenges and Chances, Chapter 12, Leiden, the Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV, 237–64
23. Atsuyo Ito (2005), ‘Issues in the Implementation of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters’, Space Policy, 21 (2), May, 141–49
24. Maureen Williams (2006), ‘The UN Principles on Remote Sensing Today’, in International Institute of Space Law (ed.), Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 17-21 October 2005, Fukuoka, Japan, Reston, VA, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2–9
25. Nicolas Peter (2004), ‘The Use of Remote Sensing to Support the Application of Multilateral Environmental Agreements’, Space Policy, 20 (3), August, 189–95
26. Stefan A. Kaiser (2012), ‘Satellite Navigation Systems: The Impact of Interoperability’, Annals of Air and Space Law, XXXVII, 369–97
27. Francis P. Schubert (1999), ‘An International Convention on GNSS Liability: When Does Desirable Become Necessary?’, Annals of Air and Space Law, XXIV, 245–73