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Labour Regulation and Development: Socio-Legal Perspectives

Edited by:  Shelley Marshall, Colin Fenwick

ISBN13: 9781785364891
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

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This book is an exploration of arguments about the economic and social effects of the regulation of labour, and whether it is likely to be helpful or harmful to development. Authored by contributors from a variety of fields, primarily legal as well as development studies, economics and regulatory studies, the book presents both empirical and theoretical analyses of the issues. With authors from several continents, this collection is unique in that it focuses on labour regulation in poor and middle-income countries rather than industrialized ones, therefore making it a significant contribution to the field.

In large part, the authors conclude that regulation of labour can play a positive role in promoting social and economic development, especially over time. Effective regulation has the potential to promote democratic engagement at work and beyond. However, its impact is dependent on how much its design grapples with the particular arrangements of work occurring within different industries, reflecting the nature of development and social relations within that country. Contributors emphasize that regulation needs to be adapted to the challenges presented by non-standard employment relations, changes in the structure of work and the rise of global value chains.

This collection’s exploration of labour regulation in developing countries will be of interest to labour law scholars and teachers, and to policy-makers in the field of labour regulation – especially in the global South – as well as to technical advisers and those engaged in the practice of industrial relations.

Employment Law, Law and Society
1. Labour Law and Development: Characteristics and Challenges
Shelley Marshall and Colin Fenwick
2. Labour Law and Development in the Long Run
Simon Deakin
3. Labour Regulation, Capabilities, and Democracy
Kevin Kolben
4. Labour Law and Trade Policy: What Implications for Economic and Human Development?
David Cheong and Franz Ebert
5. Labour Law and Development Viewed From Below: What Do Case Studies of the Clothing Sectors in South Africa and Lesotho Tell Us?
Marlese von Broembsen and Shane Godfrey
6. Labour Law, Inclusive Development and Equality in Latin America
Graciela Bensusán
7. Labour Law in South Asia: A Right to Development Perspective
Kamala Sankaran
8. The ILO and National Labour Law reform: Six Case Studies
Colin Fenwick
9. Revitalising Labour Market Regulation for the Economic South: New Forms and Tools
Shelley Marshall