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Legal Advisers in International Organizations

Edited by: Jan Wouters

ISBN13: 9781785363160
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £149.00

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

This unique book presents an in-depth analysis of the provision of legal advice at international organizations. It elucidates the dual role of legal advisers as representatives of their organization and as international civil servants acting as protectors and promoters of international law.

Analysing the effects of internal and external factors on the work of advisers, including organizational specificity, political influences, and institutional position, this book identifies and examines common legal practices across organizations. Chapters discuss case studies of legal advisers working at various global organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, the World Health Organization and the World Bank Group, as well as regional and cross-regional organizations such as NATO and the European Space Agency. Contributors emphasise the importance of collegiality and networking between legal advisers and analyse the differences in the delivery of legal services within both governmental and private contexts.

Presenting a broad perspective on the work of legal advisers at international organizations, this book will be vital reading for students, scholars, and practitioners of global governance, international law and political science. It will also be beneficial to legal advisers working for international organizations, lawyers, politicians and sociologists.

Public International Law
1. Legal advisers in international organizations: Uncovering a little-known world 1
Jan Wouters and James Rischbieth

2. The role of the legal adviser in an inclusive, networked multilateralism 32
Miguel de Serpa Soares
3. The role of the legal adviser in the United Nations: A testimony 51
Hans Corell
4. The Legal Affairs Directorate at the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union 78
Ricardo Guilherme Filho and Melony Morgan
5. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 98
Annick Vanhoutte and Donata Rugarabamu
6. The role of the legal adviser in UNESCO 118
Maria Vicien Milburn and Chantal Claxton-Proust
7. The International Civil Aviation Organization 145
Ludwig Weber and Artur Eberg
8. The Office of the Legal Counsel of the World Health Organization 159
Claudia Nannini and Gian Luca Burci
9. The Legal Affairs Office of the International Maritime Organization 194
Frederick J. Kenney Jr and Simone Egerton
10. The World Bank Group sanctions system 227
Pascale Hélène Dubois, Frank Fariello, Collin Swan, Corinne Champilou, Sheherezade Malik and Naicheng Deng
11. The legal adviser of the IAEA: History, mission, processes, and key developments in the international nuclear legal framework 259
Peri Lynne Johnson

12. Legal advisers in the European Union: The case of the Council Legal Adviser and the Council Legal Service 289
Ricardo Gosalbo Bono and Frederik Naert
13. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and its General Counsel: An evolving role in an evolving organization 315
Nicola Bonucci
14. Practicing law at NATO headquarters 337
Steven Hill
15. The practice of public international law at NATO ‘Supreme Headquarters’ (SHAPE) 351
Andrés B. Muñoz Mosquera and Borja Montes Toscano
16. The role of the legal adviser in the OSCE 372
Lisa Tabassi and Stephen Walsh
17. The European Space Agency: The role of the legal counsel in a specialized organization and as a space law-maker 390
Marco Ferrazzani
