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Private Children Law Proceedings: Practice and Procedure

ISBN13: 9781784734961
Published: September 2023
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £142.00

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Private Children Law Proceedings: Practice and Procedure provides an updated overview of the new working practices and procedures first proposed in the Private Law Advisory Group's final report (December 2020), including the promotion of non-adversarial resolution of private children cases, more effective case management and an enhancement of the available legal tools, culminating in the substantially revised 'Child Arrangements Programme' (CAP') (PD12B).

The remit of private children law has expanded to incorporate a variety of other areas and issues, all of which require practitioners to have more than a passing understanding in order to represent and present the best possible case for their clients. Accordingly, this new title provides a clear examination of the most topical, including cases involving forced marriages, FGM, domestic abuse, the concepts of 'implacable hostility' and 'parental alienation' and the interplay between the family courts and the immigration courts. With the increase of litigants in person there is a greater need to know how most effectively to deal with the issues of participation and vulnerable persons under PD3A.

Private Children Law Proceedings: Practice and Procedure delivers an authoritative commentary which highlights areas of potential difficulty and provides practical solutions. Each chapter provides practical tips to ensure the best application and outcome is attained. The use of procedural guides, flowcharts and checklists ensures an ease of understanding, with a case digest at the end of each chapter providing an essential library of relevant cases. It is essential reading for the family law judiciary, solicitors and counsel, both newly qualified and established, academics, Cafcass officers and anyone who finds themselves involved in private family law proceedings.
