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A Modern Approach to Wills, Administration and Estate Planning 5th ed (with Precedents)

ISBN13: 9781784734633
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781784732936
Published: August 2020
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Special Offer: £204.80
(Usual price £256.00)

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Written by leading lawyers in the field, this popular guide to the tax efficient drafting of wills, estate planning and administration provides practitioners with help and guidance, and discusses the typical problems and pitfalls that may be encountered in practice. The precedents have been carefully selected to deal in a straightforward fashion with the common needs of clients.

The book begins by looking at the essential legal framework of wills, trusts and taxation through a combination of detailed and authoritative commentary, worked examples and expertly drafted precedents. It then examines specific topics including: transferable nil rate band, using IPDIs, provision for children, pilot trusts, gifts, APR and BPR, instruments of variation and disclaimer, and tax efficient administration.

The authors narrative commentary is supplemented by 40 precedents.

Wills and Probate