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Evidence in Family Proceedings

ISBN13: 9781784732554
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Family Law LexisNexis
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £118.00

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

The present mainstream books on evidence do not include coverage of certain features which are unique to family law - eg special law and procedure on hearsay and other rules of evidence (eg litigation privilege and expert evidence) in children proceedings; and the rules on disclosure in financial relief proceedings.

At the same time, family lawyers do not always take account of the extent to which they depend on the common law and the rules of evidence which are defined by such mainstream texts.

Accordingly, this specialist title defines the general rules of evidence as they apply to family matters, while the range of rules which apply specifically to family proceedings are also covered in detail.

Evidence, Family Law
Forms and range of evidence
Private and open court: evidence in family proceedings
Evidence and the court hearing
Issues for trial
Relevance and admissibility
Burden and standard of proof
Facts not requiring proof
Opinion evidence
Information and inquiry
Privilege from disclosure
Legal professional privilege
Self-incrimination privilege
Without prejudice privilege
Public interest immunity
Closed material procedures
Children: their voice and their evidence
Vulnerable and incapacitated witnesses and parties in family proceedings
Special measures for dealing with evidence
Evidence on appeal