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Agricultural Precedents Handbook 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781784730727
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781846610615
Published: December 2018
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & CD-ROM
Price: £246.00 + £25.34 VAT

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Agricultural Precedents Handbook is a unique publication providing advisers dealing with agricultural cases with a comprehensive collection of time-saving and reliable precedents with helpful commentary.

Ranging from preliminary enquiries and contracts for the sale of agricultural property to farm business tenancies, residential tenancies to grazing agreements and alternative land uses, and telecommunication agreements to partnership agreements, contract and share farming arrangements.

Agricultural Precedents Handbook is written by leading practitioners in this area and offers a complete library of precedents, covering every type of transaction likely to arise.

A CD-ROM accompanying the book contains all the precedents allowing users to download and adapt each document as necessary.

Property Law
Single Payment Scheme
Sale and Acquisition of Agricultural Land
Tenancies under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986
Tenancies Under the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995
Occupation of Farm Buildings
Residential Tenancies
Grazing Agreements
Alternative Land Uses
Sporting Rights
Milk Quota
Partnerships, Contracting Agreements and Share Farming;