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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Beswick & Wine: Buying and Selling Private Companies and Businesses 11th ed isbn 9781526516121

Beswick & Wine: Buying and Selling Private Companies and Businesses 10th ed

ISBN13: 9781784517007
New Edition ISBN: 9781526516121
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780434810
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback & Online
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Structured to reflect the process in practice Beswick and Wine: Buying and Selling Private Companies and Businesses focuses on the key commercial, tax and legal issues that arise from business sales. By addressing fundamental issues from the perspective of both the seller and the purchaser it is a perfect handbook for all those involved in such acquisitions.

From due diligence through to completion of the share purchase or business transfer agreement Beswick and Wine: Buying and Selling Private Companies and Businesses contains clear, expert advice.

The 10th edition has been fully revised and updated to include:

  • Latest Companies Act 2006 cases;
  • Tax changes including to entrepreneurs' relief and both corporate and personal taxes and impact on sale of share and sale of assets of a company;
  • Sectoral specific changes such as changes to intellectual property and competition law and impact on due diligence process including EU data protection regulation.
It also includes checklists, draft enquiries, letters of disclosure and a specimen completion agenda, together with an accompanying electronic download containing all the precedents in the work.

Commercial Law, Company Law, Mergers and Acquisitions
Part I: The Seller's Perspective
Chapter 1: An overview of the sale process
Chapter 2: Assessment of marketability
Chapter 3: Preparing the sale
Chapter 4: Marketing
Chapter 5: Negotiation process

Part II: The Purchaser's Perspective
Chapter 6: An overview of the acquisition process
Chapter 7: Acquisition strategy
Chapter 8: The search process
Chapter 9: Negotiation
Chapter 10: Due Diligence

Part III: The Acquisition Agreement
Chapter 11: General principles
Chapter 12: Share purchase
Chapter 13: Business transfer agreement

Part IV: Post–completion
Chapter 14: Announcements and notifications
Chapter 15: Implementing changes to the workforce
Chapter 16: Stamp duty

Part V: Special Situations
Chapter 17: Buy-outs
Chapter 18: Buying and selling technology businesses

Part VI: Precedents