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Refugee and Asylum Law in Ireland

ISBN13: 9781784516628
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Refugee and Asylum Law in Ireland is structured around the International Protection Act 2015, which is a restatement of the law that has built up around the Refugee Act 1996 over the past two decades. The aim of the Act, according to the Government, is to bring Ireland into line with the rest of the EU by introducing a single application procedure and to reduce the length of time people spend in the direct provision system.

This book offers detailed commentary on practice and procedure in this area. It provides lawyers and law students with analysis of international protection law and guidance on how it applies in Ireland. It also covers areas like appealing to the International Protection Appeals Tribunal and how to challenge its decisions.

Irish Law
History of International Protection Law
Sources of International Protection law
Qualifying for International Protection
Applying for International Protection
Assessment of Applications for International Protection
First Instance Applications
Appeals to the International Protection Appeals Tribunal
Outcomes of Applications
Challenging Decisions on Applications
Content of International Protection
Programme Refugees and Temporary Protection

Appendix 1. Geneva Convention 1951.
Appendix 2.
1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
Appendix 3. Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 (Qualification Directive)
Appendix 4. Council Directive 2005/85/EC