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Planning Policy (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781784516598
Published: January 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The making of planning policy is a major political and legal issue and there is currently a considerable focus by the government in England and Wales on local plan policy making, with the government seeking published draft plans by 2017.

Some changes are proposed to local and neighbourhood planning in the Housing and Planning Bill 2015 and the Minister's Local Plans Expert Group (“LPEG”) is considering local planning more generally with a view to reporting in early 2016.

The current climate is characterised by government concern at the slow pace of local plan adoption in England, the controversial introduction of neighbourhood planning and new strategic planning tools with the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 and local devolution in England.

Planning Policy is the only book dedicated to planning policy, both national and local. It covers the policy framework within which planning decisions are taken in England and Wales. It addresses how national and local policy is formulated, examined and challenged.

Planning Law, eBooks
Chapter 1: Outline, including history and relationships between documents
Chapter 2: Legal principles in plan making
Chapter 3: Strategic Environmental Assessment
Chapter 4: Other national policies (including waste)
National policy in England
Chapter 5: National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Practice Guidance and other policy
Chapter 6: National Policy Statements
Chapter 7: Further national statutory policies
Local and strategic planning in England
Chapter 8: Local Plans
Chapter 9: The Brownfield Register
Chapter 10: London
Chapter 11: Neighbourhood Development Plans
Chapter 12: Supplementary Planning Documents and other local planning policies
National policy in Wales
Chapter 13: Planning Policy Wales, Wales Spatial Plan
Local and strategic planning in Wales
Chapter 14: Strategic Plans
Chapter 15: Development Plans
Chapter 16: Supplementary Planning Guidance
Other bodies' policies
Chapter 17: National agencies' policies
Chapter 18: Local policies (i.e. AONB management plans; Lee Valley Park Plan)
The testing of plans
Chapter 19: The examination of planning policy
Legal challenges
Chapter 20: High Court proceedings