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Property Development: A Practical Guide 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781784462086
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781784460877
Published: January 2024
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback + CD
Price: £150.00

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Property Development explains all the issues arising from property development work and will guide lawyers, developers and landowners through the many pitfalls commonly encountered in practice.

This new fourth edition has been comprehensively updated to include:

  • references to new legislation, planning guidance and statutory instruments, including the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022, the revised National Planning Policy Framework published in 2021 and the Community Infrastructure (Amendment) Regulations 2019
  • references to new cases, including cases concerning easements benefitting the owners of timeshare apartments, interference with a right of way, breach of restrictive covenants and the use of a right of way to gain access to land not forming part of the dominant tenement
  • important changes to the Electronic Communications Code
  • important changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy regime
  • commentary on the proposed new Infrastructure Levy

The chapters on investigating title, planning and obtaining vacant possession have also been substantially revised and expanded.

This practical guide features updated checklists, example model clauses, contracts and precedent deeds and transfers, included along with bonus material as a companion resource in Word.

Commercial Property
PART I: Site acquisition
1. Preliminary investigations
2. Investigating title: adverse matters
3. Access
4. Drainage and other services
5. Planning
6. Contaminated land issues
7. Miscellaneous issues
8. Obtaining vacant possession

PART II: Transaction structures
9. Conditional contracts
10. Option agreements
11. Pre-emption agreements
12. Overage agreements
13. Land promotion agreements
14. Collaboration agreements between developers
15. Collaboration agreements between landowners and land pool trusts: achieving equalisation and avoiding double taxation
16. Mixed use developments

A Checklists
B Enquiries and report
C Transfers and deeds
D Model clauses
E Contracts and agreements